the tattoo choice.


Time has come for decisions to be made. Some things shifted to the dark side and others to the bright side.

Below is a picture which enlarges when clicked on it.

I want you all - whoever is watching this site - to vote for your favorite tattoo and tell me about it.
Just comment on your choice below the article in the comment section.
Only one vote per person should count, maybe.

The one tattoo with the most voices will cover the most wonderful part of my body soon. Nope, it's not what you think. But it is wonderful, too, you're right ;)

Which part it is? I'll tell ya, when election is finished. I'm not gonna change the part of my body according to the tattoo. They're all made for this specific area. What I can tell you is the size of it: approx. 40 x 30 cm...
You can make suggestions on that anyway!

Have fun, and vote as hell!

tattoo choice: tell me your fav in the comment section below.
filantrop (guest) - 2007-09-30 19:44


kommt drauf an wo... aber ich würde sagen "zwei"
die feinen linien und die vielen details find ich gut..

Barny (guest) - 2007-10-01 20:31

fancing up your body

well, no matter where, I'd recommend either number 3 or 5 but - sorry for that - I can't finally decide which one... so good luck then

Chefcock (guest) - 2007-10-03 19:35

40x30cm well bettina says it´s your foot, i think it´s youre arse.

Well if it has to be one of those pics i´d say number 6.
Other wise i would have said take the Pheonix from the meltdown album from ash

or take the hypnotoad

noname (guest) - 2007-10-06 12:05

a short descripción which tattoo meens what (for u) would be nice. only in aspect of decoration it would be number 6 for me...

sophistic - 2007-10-07 23:06

these are..

.just the leftovers of a bunch of 30+ tattoos which please me the most. The decorative aspect is a very strong one. besides that every single tattoo indeed has a specific meaning to me...
herbstkind (guest) - 2007-10-07 20:35


....das zweite. wie gesagt...

sophistic - 2007-10-07 23:06


smusecat (guest) - 2007-10-08 12:24

my favorite is number 6. Luzifer also decided for this one. Don't ask, I have no idea why he thinks he has anything to say about this.

gabe (guest) - 2007-10-09 01:26

number TWO. most complex and interesting to look at. you can make up a lot of things as to what it means to you, which you will have to do because 'my friends liked it most' is not a good enough reason ;)

why dont we get to pick WHERE it goes??

YOAR (guest) - 2007-10-22 16:10

I should be honest...they're all shitty. If i had one of those i would cover it with a shirts. Just my two cents

sophistic - 2007-10-24 10:51

everyone's free opinioin should be respected..

..for sure..but why don't you come up with a fancy own version? Did you ever try designing your own one? Or is it just a 'hate thing', babe?
Sophie (guest) - 2007-11-13 13:36

gute wahl

ja ich wollt deinem link mal folgen und habe es auch getan, wie du vermutlich hieraus schon schließen kannst. Eine sehr schöne Seite, zuweilen mit philosophischen Elementen. in symbiose mit der musik ergibt sich bei mir ein bild von Weite(vermutlich im Hinblick auf Norwegen) und vermutlich bist du dir noch dunkel um meinen Hang zur Träumerei bewusst. Deine vorgeschlagenen Tattoos sind allesamt sehr schön und grazil. ich finde sie passen gut zu dem Alex, den ich kennen gelernt habe. da ich ja aber einen favourite abgeben soll, tendiere ich zu bild 2, aufgrund seiner gesamtform, die ich mir bei dir vorstellen könnte, als auch wegen seiner inhaltlichen form, die immer wieder neu entdeckt werden könnte. es hat eine gewisse mysteriöse tiefe, die ich auch von dir kannte und gleichzeitig ist es dezent. Ich bin beeindruckt um die realisierung deines traums(in Bezug auf norwegen). Du weißt selbst, wie selten es jemand schafft, ihn sich zu realisieren. ernst gemeinte, liebe grüße, sophie

Shannon (guest) - 2009-11-23 04:51

Hi.. I'm looking for a tattoo that illustrates my Norwegian descent & I came across your blog. I know that eins means individual however I'd like to know what the rest of those mean because I think they're amazing. If you could e-mail me ( & tell me what they mean then I would really appreciate it. & I think they would all look great!

Franzi (guest) - 2012-01-17 01:11

jahre später... ;)

schrägerweise über google hier her gekommen :P ich hoffe du hast drittens genommen ;) schöne grüsse ;)

Erasmus in Norway. Gjovik University College

Thoughts on my study abroad semester in Gjovik, Norway.

Alex' music-o-matic

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